A little-known fact about popstar Nick Jonas, of the Jonas Brothers, is that he has suffered from diabetes since the young age of 14. There are approximately 500,000 children in the world that are under the age of 15 and are suffering from diabetes. It is recorded that approximately 200 children develop type I diabetes everyday. At that rate 70,000 children a year will have diabetes. Type I diabetes is increasing at an alarming rate of approximately 3% every year. When it comes to preschool children, unfortunately the rate of type I diabetes is increasing even faster, at around 5% per year.
It was previously believed that most children who do get diabetes are usually children that are obese or overweight. Research has shown that this is actually a myth. Approximately 71% of children that suffer from diabetes are considered to be white. This fact challenges the once popular opinion that minorities have a higher risk of developing child diabetes. Type II diabetes does occur more frequently in minorities such as African-Americans and Hispanics. With that said their risk of getting diabetes is considered to be much lower.
Type II diabetes is usually related to the individual being overweight. Type I diabetes is found in 90 to 95% of children that are suffering from diabetes. Contrary to popular belief diabetes is not caused eating too much sugar. Instead it is caused by eating too much in general. This of course is only related to children who have type II diabetes. Type I diabetes is the most common form of diabetes for children under the age of 16 years old. It is considered a autoimmune disease, which is a condition that causes the body’s immune system to go against or attack its own tissues and organs. In relation to type II diabetes, the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin are destroyed. The cause of childhood diabetes is not very clear to researchers. Is believed to be a combination of environmental triggers as well as genetic makeup.
Type I diabetes in children is treated by insulin treatment. Fast acting insulin is administered during the day, along with the combination of slow acting insulin that is given during the nights. As children grow older they become more dependent on the insulin that is given at nighttime. In order to help a child with diabetes, parents need to make sure that glucose is always available and within reach. Low blood glucose symptoms should be made aware of in order to recognize them when an attack does occur.
The trained dietitian can truly be essential in maintaining a healthy lifestyle and children who suffer from diabetes. A child must be given a balanced and healthy diet that consists of higher amounts of both carbohydrates and fiber. The amounts the child should eat is based on their age and weight. Sweets are allowed in a diabetic diet, but as with everything they are to be consumed in moderation.
Children that suffer from diabetes need to monitor their blood sugar on a day-to-day basis. This is done in order to help control their diabetes, and make sure that their blood sugar levels are within normal range. Insulin was discovered approximately 85 years ago. Unfortunately for the nations that lack the resources to purchase insulin, many children end up dying of this condition.